Search Engine Advertising

Everything starts with a search query. Users perform searches on Google when they are looking for information, products or services. 

By tracking conversions to the keywords, we are able to produce more leads over time and create a profitable long term strategy.


“The best thing I have done for my business is use Ladder & Co. An absolute professional who offers a fantastic service. Don’t think about it – Do it”


Michelle, Property Maintenance Industry


Of Online Transactions start with a Search engine


Of global searchers use the Google search engine

Facebook Advertising

The campaigns will be optimised to appear to those most relevant to the areas of opportunity. 

These targeted ads can use creatives including:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • A Carousel Of Images/Video
  • Lead Forms


average Facebook Ad conversion rates


Campaign reach


“I have seen a significant increase in revenue since trusting my digital marketing strategy to Ladder Co”


Skin Care Industry


Over time, as website traffic builds, there are further opportunities to increase the leads to the business in a more efficient manner.

Remarketing allows us to advertise back to those who visited previously and didn’t take an action on the site.


Focused Engagement


Of consumers noticed remarketing ads and responded to them

Google Shopping

Online shoppers can see the vendors personalised product recommendations and promotional offers straight from an online merchant account.

These can be from, or to international markets to allow for an easy e-commerce experience.

“If you’re looking for a fantastic digital marketing agency you can rely on you should definitely consider Ladder & Co”
Rhona, SAAS Industry Business Owner


Of people are planning to shop moslty online


Trillion dollar global e-commerce market

Video Advertising

Ads that play on or run next to YouTube videos can help you connect with potential customers in a unique and memorable way. Youtube Ads can be played before or during videos.

Advertising on the platform pushes the video content to relevant audiences and is the worlds second biggest search engine (owned by Google).


“Ladder & Co are the best digital marketing business I’ve worked with by a long shot. Very trustworthy and great understanding of your business needs”

Ben, NZ Large Construction Industry


Of adults use YouTube


Campaign reach

Lead Tracking & Reporting

To achieve successful results the team analyse the available data from all relevant platforms, leveraging our experience and knowledge to provide relevant insights. 

The data and insights are used in reports, meetings and videos for the client to better understand how campaigns are going.

Always responsive and happy to help. We have a few of our clients using him for digital marketing and they all boast about their fantastic results. Well deserved 5 stars.

Paul, Website Development Industry


Focused Engagement


Happy Clients